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Schoolwork Archives

Valores de la familia

Posted at age 18.

This is a Spanish composition from Spanish 204. It's a reaction-type essay in response to a movie my class watched having to do with a family in Cuba. This does not make a lot of sense because I needed to squeeze a lot of content into 215 words. I wrote about 270 words below, but I didn't want to go much more over the word limit!

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Reading response paper five

Posted at age 18.

Easwaran, “A man to match his mountains: Badshah Khan, nonviolent soldier of Islam”

“If we are on the road to ruin, it is because we have neither the true spirit of religion, nor the true spirit of patriotism nor love for our nation… A great revolution is coming and you …

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Reading response paper six

Posted at age 18.

Rohan Gunaratna, “Inside Al Qaeda: global network of terror”

So if we defend our people in Palestine, the world reacts by ganging up against the Muslims under the banner of fighting terrorism, falsely and unjustly (p. xlvii).

The piece by Osama bin Laden was very blatantly anti-American. I think there …

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Reading response paper four

Posted at age 18.

Christopher Columbus, “From a letter to Gabriel Sanchez”

“… But I forbade giving them a very trifling thing and of no value, such as bits of plates, dishes, or glass… So, too, for pieces of hoops, jugs, jars, and pots they bartered cotton and gold like beasts. This I forbade, because …

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Reading response paper three

Posted at age 18.

One Country, “At the UN, women rally”

In addition to an overall agenda for women’s empowerment, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action dealt with 12 critical areas of concern for women: poverty, education, health, violence against women, armed conflict, economic structures, power sharing and decision making, mechanisms to …

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Español composición uno

Posted at age 18.

La ciudad de Milwaukee tiene una herencia muy rica. En 1795, el francés Jacques Vieau construyó un establecimiento por el lago Michigan. Milwaukee fue incorporado en 1846. En aquel momento, la gente de Alemania, de Francia, de Irlanda, y de Polonia viajaba a la ciudad. En este tiempo, Milwaukee es la vigésimo segundo ciudad más grande de los Estados Unidos con una población de 579,000 personas.

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Reading response paper: R. Culler, ‘Saussure’s Theory of Language’

Posted at age 18.

...Not only can a language arbitrarily choose its signifiers; it can divide up a spectrum of conceptual possibilities in any way that it likes. Moreover, and here we come to an important point, the fact that these concepts, or signifieds, are arbitrary divisions of a continuum means that they are not autonomous entities, each of which is defined by some kind of essence. They are members of a system and are defined by their relations to the other members of that system.

This quote, though fairly long, was more or less a revelation for me. After I read it, many concepts about languages suddenly made sense. For instance, in Culler's text about Saussure and also in Hudson's "The Great Issues (Grey Tissues)," the variation between any two languages was a popular and complicated topic.

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Gattaca reactions

Posted at age 17.

  1. I would not mind using Gattaca’s selection method in choosing my child. While the child would be less a result of chance, the fact that I chose how I wanted my child to be would make the child closer to me, because he or she would resemble my vision …

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The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman

Posted at age 13.


In The Golden Compass, an outstanding work of mystery and imagination by Philip Pullman, a young girl of ten years is destined to fulfill the mission that her dreaded mother and father have lived for, without even knowing it. Her name is Lyra Belacqua. She has lived among scholars and college students at Jordan College in Oxford for as long as she can remember.

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Don’t read ‘till you graduate

Posted at age 13.

September 11, 2001

To: Charlie N. Gorichanaz of May 2001

Dear Charlie,

What you are reading are the words of a good friend of mine. Maybe you do not remember him, for he’s grown a great deal since he has written this letter, mentally, physically, and spiritually. He is …

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Abraham Lincoln 1861-1864

Posted at age 12.

Abraham Lincoln, the nation's 16th president, was born on February 12th, 1809 in Nob Creek, Kentucky. He lived in a forested area in a log cabin. His grandfather, Abraham, was a Quaker who was murdered by Indians. Abe Lincoln was never really close to his father. Abe was definitely a mother's boy. On October 5th of 1818, Lincoln's mom sadly passed away. If I were Lincoln, I would be crushed! Not having a real mom must be really hard.

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Rock playbill - weird assignment

Posted at age 12.

Playbill by Charlie G, Andy F, Holly R and Chris W

Cast and Characters

Knot Gneiss as Alice McGee

Alice is the housekeeper for the Rockys. She has medium to coarse crystals that are arranged in bands. She believes in the metamorphic religion. She has ancestors from places such as …

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Random history assignment

Posted at age 12.

Charlie Gorichanaz #7

History page 436

Discussing Main Ideas 1-5

Thinking About History

Discussing Main Ideas

  1. In April 1860, the Democrats held meetings for nominating presidential candidates. Some of them had different views on slavery than the others. These disagreements caused the Democrats to split up. Lincoln won the election …

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Lynx project

Posted at age 12.

This is quite silly: LynxProject.pdf

PREY - They spend some of their time on the limbs of trees waiting for the weaker mammals and birds that make up their prey to pass by. It is also common for lynx to stalk their prey. Lynx eat any smaller mammals such as …

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Davis, Jefferson Finis 1808-1889

Posted at age 12.

Jefferson Davis was the first and only president of the Confederate States of America from 1861 till 1865. He was born June 3rd in 1808 in Christian Country, now know as Todd Country, in Kentucky. He went to college at Transylvania University, Lexington, Kentucky. He also attended the U.S. Military Academy. Davis's father, Sam Davis, was a veteran who fought in the Revolutionary War.

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Franklin Pierce 1853-1857

Posted at age 12.

Franklin Pierce was a northerner born in Hillsborough in New Hampshire, though he shared the beliefs of the South, known as a ‘doughface.’ He ‘forged his career in Jackson’s mold” Pierce was a successful lawyer in New Hampshire, and he also was a heavy drinker. He married Jane Applebee …

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