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October 2006 Archives

Reading response paper four

Posted at age 18.

Christopher Columbus, “From a letter to Gabriel Sanchez”

“… But I forbade giving them a very trifling thing and of no value, such as bits of plates, dishes, or glass… So, too, for pieces of hoops, jugs, jars, and pots they bartered cotton and gold like beasts. This I forbade, because …

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Reading response paper three

Posted at age 18.

One Country, “At the UN, women rally”

In addition to an overall agenda for women’s empowerment, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action dealt with 12 critical areas of concern for women: poverty, education, health, violence against women, armed conflict, economic structures, power sharing and decision making, mechanisms to …

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The shit that somewhat ceased to stink

Posted at age 18.

Well, it's Sunday! I just got back from getting groceries and going to lunch with my mother and my five youngest siblings - but that's not what I want to talk about.
Last night Justin V invited me to dinner. We went to Wasabi on State St., and it was officially my first time having Japanese cuisine. I think I had something called..., um, nevermind, I forgot. Anyway, it was shrimp, vegetables and rice, with a side of Me-something soup. Interesting spoons are used in such places, too. I spilled a bit...
After that, we were about to go to the Badger Herald party at Taylor H's apartment, but we first visited Justin's friend Lauren's party upon receiving her phone call. That was interesting - I saw a few of her friends, including Chong L and her boyfriend Matt U...

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As the burdens lift…

Posted at age 18.

Well, this week is finally over, almost. I have a chemistry assignment that was due at 5 p.m., but I didn’t finish it - so I’m going to work on it after this and hopefully turn it in this morning. This weekend I have to study for math …

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Español composición uno

Posted at age 18.

La ciudad de Milwaukee tiene una herencia muy rica. En 1795, el francés Jacques Vieau construyó un establecimiento por el lago Michigan. Milwaukee fue incorporado en 1846. En aquel momento, la gente de Alemania, de Francia, de Irlanda, y de Polonia viajaba a la ciudad. En este tiempo, Milwaukee es la vigésimo segundo ciudad más grande de los Estados Unidos con una población de 579,000 personas.

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Roommates + bois = trouble

Posted at age 18.

This week has been pretty nuts.

An online friend, Travis Bjorklund, messaged me two weeks ago stating that his parents were going to charge him rent, so he was either going to move to Madison or back to Florida. I told him that he was welcome to come live with …

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