The past six weeks have flown by, and I don’t feel I have accomplished very much. I need to improve, stat!
Note: I started writing this entry at the end of Week 6, in early June. I then lost the text and several more weeks passed, so I wrote a (brief) new version, Scorecard: year 2, weeks 1–10. The below text wasn’t supposed to be final, but I’m just posting it as is.
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I’ve done a horrible job promptly completing my weekly reviews in conjunction with my second “12 Week Year“, but I have not given up. This is going to be a cursory attempt at covering the last 10 weeks, not only because 10 weeks is a long time to remember all the details for, but also because I seem to have lost (Update: now found) what of this entry I had started writing a few weeks ago. Sometimes doing thing over results in better work, but I find that isn’t the case when I don’t want to be doing the work in the first place. Ideally I want to spend more time reviewing, but I’m a bit behind as it is.
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A few weeks ago, when configuring my server to host my mom’s new business website, I finally looked into Let’s Encrypt and decided to go with it. The service provides an automated way to install and update SSL certificates for HTTPS website hosting. Previously I had been using the free-ish certificates from StartCom.
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I had trouble getting out of bed this morning, as I planned to go for an 18 mile run, but wanted to wait till I pooped. I had some Greek yogurt and honey, and then a granola bar, and after a couple of hours, I still couldn’t go.
I …
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To improve the readability of the body text in my posts, I use Markdown as much as possible. When uploading and inserting images using Movable Type’s editor, the result is a jumble of image tags all on one line containing extra information I don’t need. I finally took 10 minutes to fix this, making it output Markdown instead.
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A few weeks ago, Tyler told me to look out for some contact lenses that would be delivered here, for he desperately needed them for his last month living in Europe. I was glad to be able to help, but it didn’t go as smoothly as I hoped.
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A month ago I wrote a sort of history of my years of friendship with someone suffering with manic bipolar disorder. I concluded “Mania de Mayo” with a comment on my tiredness and a hopefully sarcastic comment about the type of friend I am. Not much good has happened since then regarding my friend, it seems to me, and his new friends along with some old are now organizing for a possible impending psychotic episode.
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I never cared to have display ads on my website, as it doesn’t cost very much in server power and mostly serves as my own personal archive. Also, I only get a few thousand page views a month. That’s more than I would guess an inconsistent blog with no target audience would get, but certainly not enough to make much money on ads. I’m going to try it out, though, mostly just to see how many pennies it yields.
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As explained in the first entry, I bought a microscope mostly so I could look for tardigrades, aka water bears, and hopefully make lovely videos of them. Within hours of getting my scope set up, I managed to find some!
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The microscope I bought arrived, and I spent a day getting familiar with it and the lenses. I was generally pleased, but ended up buying a bunch of new objectives and condensers to see if I could get better images. This post is regarding the initial purchase except the images at the end featuring the darkfield condenser.
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It took me a while to locate the manual for my new microscope. I was not surprised to have trouble since the lone Amazon review warned of no manual being provided and a broken link, but it was more difficult than I thought it would be to find the manual online.
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As an early birthday present to myself, I bought a microscope despite many other priorities. I’ve spent a few days using it over the past two weeks, and while I have mixed feelings, I don’t regret the purchase.
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I enjoyed reading a recent Bloomberg article, “How Intel Makes a Chip“. The comparison of processors versus airliners was eye opening, and I loved some of the jargon used within Intel.
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I’ve been getting acquainted with my new microscope and its digital camera software. I initially decided to buy a microscope based mostly on the USB camera resolution finally exceeding a few megapixels without costing thousands of dollars. After these tests, it looks like I may end up not using the USB camera much after all, due to difficulty getting the colors right. Thankfully I decided to try a Nikon SLR adapter, as photos through that look much better!
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