Scorecard: year 2, weeks 1–10
I’ve done a horrible job promptly completing my weekly reviews in conjunction with my second “12 Week Year“, but I have not given up. This is going to be a cursory attempt at covering the last 10 weeks, not only because 10 weeks is a long time to remember all the details for, but also because I seem to have lost (Update: now found) what of this entry I had started writing a few weeks ago. Sometimes doing thing over results in better work, but I find that isn’t the case when I don’t want to be doing the work in the first place. Ideally I want to spend more time reviewing, but I’m a bit behind as it is.
I last wrote of my planning strategy in my Year 1 review. I haven’t resolved the major problems I identified there, which boil down to taking the schedule seriously enough to establish routines that hopefully become habits. Seeing as I chose to do the second year without major changes, and I’ve still not whipped myself into shape, I wonder about the wisdom of continuing as I am. This second 12 week year is nearing the end, but I don’t feel I’ve given it my all yet. I shouldn’t blame the plan if I didn’t correctly follow it, right?
My scores have been about as sporadic as the first time around, but lower in general. I’ve basically given up caring about the score as it is, for it no longer reflects my productivity well at all. The idea is I would plan my time blocks at the beginning of the year, or at least each week, and part of the score is determined by how well I complied with the plan, while the other part is determined by productive time itself. For the sake of consistency and valid comparison, I have not been changing the time allotments for various types of tasks week to week, but my time spent has nonetheless drifted.
Overall, though, the hours I’ve spent on work and projects have been much less than I hoped. I have again spent much more time with friends than planned, and I’m still figuring that out. Part of the past six weeks has been occupied with a friend in need and family issues, including what looks to be a revolutionary new fitness business my mom is opening this week.
I’ve at least kept up the running, though after a couple of slow weeks at the start of this 12 week period. I’m again on track to break my miles in a month record this month. I don’t feel quite as ready for the San Francisco Marathon as I wanted to, but I’m not freaking out. Mostly I hoped to have more confidence in my speed. I pulled off a three day series of increasing mileage this weekend, though, and had a decent pace of 9:30 for a 13 mile run. I’m sure I can go faster, and am excited to see how it goes despite being a bit behind in training.
I’ve also been doing reasonably well with sleeping less than eight hours, though I haven’t been consistently waking up before 8 a.m. I’ll post averages and charts with the final week of this period, in two weeks.

Miles run each week in 2016 through June 19 graphed with bars and weight average graphed with a line.
The more months I am unemployed, the more I feel compelled to tackle my personal backlog of journal entry writing and photo processing. I know I’ll be forced to get a job soon enough, so I think the programming projects that were to prove my employability have taken a back seat to the stuff I fear I won’t have time to do once I get another job.
On that front, I’ve made progress, but again I have much remaining. I maintain hope I’ll manage to write briefly about the countries I haven’t yet covered from my various travels in 2014 and 2015. I need to at least get caught up posting photos to Facebook from Christmas onward. I haven’t done much photo worthy this year, so that shouldn’t be much work once I finish family Christmas photos. I started on that yesterday but decided to post some retroactive entries from December instead:
In addition to those, I posted about two dozen other blog entries in the past 10 weeks, despite not doing my weekly reviews. Many of those were not from my backlog, so they are possibly exercises in distraction, but at least I’m enjoying myself.
During the first 12 week year, I had been posting photos of my final schedule each week. The idea was to show how it was becoming more consistent and matching the original plan instead of being a hodgepodge of events. Well, I haven’t achieved that yet, and since now I don’t have time to specifically comment on each week, I’ll just conclude this entry with the weekly schedules for the past 10 weeks. They aren’t much to look at, but maybe some day Google Calendar won’t exist anymore and I’ll be glad to see a historical perspective on how things used to be done in 2016.