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Camping Archives

Gianelli Trail to Chewing Gum Lake, and Pinecrest Lake

Posted at age 36.

I squeezed in another backpacking trip, again with Andrew and Ruffie. Having one less night than our three at Lake Aloha last month and even less time to reserve permits, we decided Thursday to check out a place not requiring reservations and settled on Gianelli Trail in the Stanislaus National Forest. We visited several lakes and hiked about 18.5 miles and 3800 feet of elevation across two days. I also got to experience locking my keys in my car for the first time, in a remote location. It was a great weekend!

Lake Powell in the Emigrant Wilderness.

Lake Powell in the Emigrant Wilderness.

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Backpacking with Andrew to Lake Aloha

Posted at age 36.

In a massive improvement to my time between backpacking trips, I managed another just nine months after going to Deafy Glade in Mendocino. This time Ruffie and I went with our friend Andrew to Lake Aloha in the Desolation Wilderness in the Sierras. We spent three nights, enough time for strenuous hikes, changes of plans, plenty of relaxation and even some animal food theft. I hiked 23 miles and 4,100 feet of elevation across four days.

Views from the top of Cracked Crag next to Lake Aloha.

Views from the top of Cracked Crag next to Lake Aloha.

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Yosemite Valley with Natt, Beam, Chris

Posted at age 35.

This week Monday I went back to Yosemite for a night, with Beam, Natt and Chris. It was a quick trip, but we got one good 10 mile day hike in, up 3700 feet to Glacier Point. I saw my first rattlesnake, a few other creatures, and many beautiful views. I definitely need to get back and do some more hikes!

View of Yosemite Valley from the Four Mile Trail.

View of Yosemite Valley from the Four Mile Trail.

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Single night at Deafy Glade in Mendocino National Forest

Posted at age 35.

For the first time in a decade, I went backpacking. It was a short trip back up to the Mendocino National Forest, but it was fun. I hope it spurs me to do more soon. I just wish Remi could have been there!

I had been wanting to go camping more for years, but hadn’t quite made the time. This past weekend was a three day one, and I decided the week before to just go somewhere. I thought it’d be just me and Ruffie, as Alan had a music thing and might not want to go anyway. But he ended up going, too, if we could do a single night Sunday to Monday. I hope he’ll want to come on the next one!

Hiking on the Deafy Glade Trail, 8W26, in Mendocino National Forest.

Hiking on the Deafy Glade Trail, 8W26, in Mendocino National Forest.

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Visiting Keith and the Central Cascades

Posted at age 25.

This past weekend I redeemed my United frequent flier miles for a $5 round trip flight to Seattle to visit Keith and go camping. It was a blast!

The actual flight was suboptimal, as I had to take a 6 a.m. flight Friday morning. It was the only option in the “Super Saver” category for which my miles qualified, though, so I had to make due. It ended up sort of working out because I had a lot of work to do the night before, and I stayed up all night doing it. At the airport. Because BART only runs till 1:30, and doesn’t start again till around 5 a.m.


The lower Tank Lake, and we are home!

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Returning to Summit Springs in Mendocino

Posted at age 25.

Yesterday I returned from my first camping trip of the year, that shouldn’t have taken this long to happen. I went again to Mendocino, this time with Rich. We tried to find some other people to go, but failed. It was still a wonderful trip.


We played with the Arctic 1W blue laser from

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