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September 2023 Archives

Single night at Deafy Glade in Mendocino National Forest

Posted at age 35.

For the first time in a decade, I went backpacking. It was a short trip back up to the Mendocino National Forest, but it was fun. I hope it spurs me to do more soon. I just wish Remi could have been there!

I had been wanting to go camping more for years, but hadn’t quite made the time. This past weekend was a three day one, and I decided the week before to just go somewhere. I thought it’d be just me and Ruffie, as Alan had a music thing and might not want to go anyway. But he ended up going, too, if we could do a single night Sunday to Monday. I hope he’ll want to come on the next one!

Hiking on the Deafy Glade Trail, 8W26, in Mendocino National Forest.

Hiking on the Deafy Glade Trail, 8W26, in Mendocino National Forest.

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