Vote Charlie!

October 2014 Archives

Runkeeper hiring via hidden message

Posted at age 26.

Though maybe not hidden to their target audience.

Earlier this year, at the top of Runkeeper’s HTML (actually, after 50 blank lines, for some reason), I found this cute message:

<!doctype html>

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      `--'`-----'     `--'  `--'`--'`--' '--'`--'`--'  `--' `------'

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      |  ||  ,'.|  |    |  |) /_ '  .-.  ''   .-''--.  .--''  .-.  '|  ,'.|  ||  .'|  .' 
      |  ||  |' '  |    |  .-.  \|  | |  |`.  `-.   |  |   |  | |  ||  |' '  ||  | |  |  
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                                                                              '--' '--'

      It's dangerous to go alone!

      Take this!


      or email us directly! jobs[at]runkeeper[dot]com

<html xmlns:og="">

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Chase customer support apparently incompetent

Posted at age 26.

18 October 2014 update: This online message thread seems to be exhausted, so I’ll call the Chase Sapphire support line soon and make a meager stab at getting my requests fulfilled, and then I will cancel both cards. I refuse to put up with this BS any longer.


After a long, ridiculous thread, Chase wrote:

Another alternative would be to have the San Francisco Credit Union call our Customer Service number which is listed below. If they can confirm that your checking account ending in **** is open and available for use a request can be submitted to unsuspend your checking account.

Upon having SFFCU do just as requested:

Bobby: Charles, I am on the line with a specialist now and they unfortunately cannot verify any information to me.
Bobby: Is there any way that you an contact them now? they said that a letter would not suffice…, that you the cardholder would need to call. :(
Charles Gorichanaz: I’m not sure why they asked me to have you call them then ! I am about ready to cancel all my accounts with them. I have contacted them six times over this already, and they insist SFFCU needs to contact them.

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