Vote Charlie!

Runkeeper hiring via hidden message

Posted at age 26.
Edited .

Though maybe not hidden to their target audience.

Earlier this year, at the top of Runkeeper’s HTML (actually, after 50 blank lines, for some reason), I found this cute message:

<!doctype html>

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      |  '--'.'|  | |  ||  |' '  ||  .   ' |  `--, |  `--, |  '--' ||  `--, |  '--'.'    
      |  |\  \ '  '-'  '|  | `   ||  |\   \|  `---.|  `---.|  | --' |  `---.|  |\  \     
      `--' '--' `-----' `--'  `--'`--' '--'`------'`------'`--'     `------'`--' '--'

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      |  |.-'    |    |  |  |  ||  ||  |\  \ |  ||  | `   |'  '--'  |                    
      `--'`-----'     `--'  `--'`--'`--' '--'`--'`--'  `--' `------'

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      |  ||  ,'.|  |    |  |) /_ '  .-.  ''   .-''--.  .--''  .-.  '|  ,'.|  ||  .'|  .' 
      |  ||  |' '  |    |  .-.  \|  | |  |`.  `-.   |  |   |  | |  ||  |' '  ||  | |  |  
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      `--'`--'  `--'    `------'  `-----' `-----'   `--'    `-----' `--'  `--'.--. .--.  
                                                                              '--' '--'

      It's dangerous to go alone!

      Take this!


      or email us directly! jobs[at]runkeeper[dot]com

<html xmlns:og="">

Maybe I could help them allow users to delete erroneous historical weight measurements, support Zyphyr heart rate monitors on Android and improve the GPS calibration, among other things…