Giving up on lettuce sea slugs for now
I have gone through half a dozen lettuce sea slugs, so I guess I need to call it quits for now. The first one, which was the largest, died in December at Alan’s place. It probably did not have enough algae to graze on in that tank. Then I got a few smaller ones from Aquarium Depot, Live Aquaria and the local store, 6th Avenue Aquarium. I lose two or three due to getting sucked into pumps and getting attacked by the sponge decorator crabs. Then I isolated the last ones in the hang on box full of hair algae and other food, but they still managed to die within a week or two. I knew they would not be easy, but I hoped my abundant supply of algae would make the difference. I’ll reconsider once the tank is mature.

I discovered the lettuce sea slugs either crawled or got sucked into a water pump. I took him out and seemed to be doing fine, but later died, probably because of insufficient food. :-(

I discovered the lettuce sea slugs either crawled or got sucked into a water pump. I took him out and seemed to be doing fine, but later died, probably because of insufficient food. :-(
One of the lettuce slugs next to an unidentified creature in my hang on box