Decorator crab eggs failure
I isolated the pregnant decorator sponge crab from Aquarium Depot in a 2.5 gallon heated and aerated tank at the point her eggs seemed to be lightening in color. A few days later, she did indeed expel the eggs all over the tank Feb. 13.
I put her back in the refugium and left the eggs to hatch. As of nine days later, the eggs seem not to have hatched. They lightened in color to the point I cannot tell if they are even present any longer, but I have seen no live babies as I saw in the initial shipment.

I put the pregnant split nose decorator sponge crab in a small separate tank so she would lay the eggs in safety. She did indeed lay the eggs, as seen here, but they unfortunately did not seem to hatch. They lightened in color till I could not see them anymore, but I saw no signs of life after two weeks.

I put the pregnant split nose decorator sponge crab in a small separate tank so she would lay the eggs in safety. She did indeed lay the eggs, as seen here, but they unfortunately did not seem to hatch. They lightened in color till I could not see them anymore, but I saw no signs of life after two weeks.

I put the pregnant split nose decorator sponge crab in a small separate tank so she would lay the eggs in safety. She did indeed lay the eggs, as seen here, but they unfortunately did not seem to hatch. They lightened in color till I could not see them anymore, but I saw no signs of life after two weeks.

I put the pregnant split nose decorator sponge crab in a small separate tank so she would lay the eggs in safety. She did indeed lay the eggs, as seen here, but they unfortunately did not seem to hatch. They lightened in color till I could not see them anymore, but I saw no signs of life after two weeks.
I’m probably going to discard the water and substrate soon, as it’s been growing black cyanobacteria.