CSV file of Movable Type entries with duplicate titles
On the off chance this might be useful to someone, here is a sample template to output a CSV formatted file with all the entries in a blog that have duplicate titles. In the first Entries block’s blog_ids modifier, replace the word “all” with a blog ID number, or remove the modifier altogether if you are publishing this template within the blog from which you are exporting entries.
<mt:Section regex_replace="/\n\s*\n/mg","\n"> <mt:Entries blog_ids="all" limit="100000"> <$mt:EntryTitle setvar="entry_title"$> <$mt:EntryID setvar="entry_id"$> <mt:If name="entry_ids{$entry_title}"> <$mt:Var name="entry_ids{$entry_title}" setvar="first_id"$> <$mt:Var name="duplicate_ids{$first_id}" function="push" value="1"$> <$mt:Var name="duplicate_ids{$entry_id}" function="push" value="1"$> <mt:Else> <$mt:Var name="entry_ids{$entry_title}" value="$entry_id"$> </mt:If> </mt:Entries> entry_title,entry_id <mt:Loop name="duplicate_ids" sort_by="key reverse"> <mt:Entries blog_ids="all" id="$__key__"> <mt:Section strip_linefeeds="1"> "<$mt:EntryTitle replace='"','"'$>", "<$mt:EntryID$>" </mt:Section> </mt:Entries> </mt:Loop> </mt:Section>