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Cultural barriers, meeting a yo yo champion

Posted at age 25.
Created . Edited .

We began the day by setting out to find a shoe store that sells Keen for Dan, but the destination store didn’t have anything in Dan’s size. We later found out this was the case everywhere in Japan. The walk was nice, though! After a while, Aaron and I headed back to do some work while Dan continued to wander.


Just in case the fence, ditch and large wall were not enough of a clue, the “KEEP OUT” sign makes it clear!


Mushroom light


I can’t get over the face masks!


I didn’t get to wear cute white hats when I was in elementary school!

Turned out it began pouring rain after Aaron and I got back, and Dan was still far from the hotel. He got soaked and bought a second umbrella, apparently.



We needed to be at the office by 14:00 for a series of meetings, so we left for lunch around noon. We settled on going to the same place Nob took us Friday, except that place only has a Japanese menu. Aaron and I loaded on our phones photos of the food we took last time, and we ordered by showing. The man taking our order apparently didn’t recognize the spicy dumplings, though, so he took my phone over to the kitchen to show someone else. It worked out!


We returned to this restaurant for some of the delicious dumplings, but we didn’t know how to order them in Japanese… so we pulled up photos of the food from last time and showed them to the chef. It worked!


Spicy dumplings

Then we went to the office to have some discussions about Movable Type features and UI design, and for Dan to demonstrate his Gamify plugin.


Some stickers I haven’t seen

After that, everyone got ready for an office party featuring two time world yo yo champion BLACK. He was very nice, and summarized his talk for me in English before he gave it in Japanese. There was also lots of sushi. I wish I ate more of it! And beer!


World champion yo yo artist BLACK returned to the Six Apart office to speak about the experience of being chosen to perform at the TED conference earlier this year.


World champion yo yo artist BLACK returned to the Six Apart office to speak about the experience of being chosen to perform at the TED conference earlier this year.


BLACK demonstrated some techniques and helped the staff learn them.




BLACK demonstrated some techniques and helped the staff learn them.

Entries in this series: