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A toast to friendship

Posted at age 21.
Created . Edited .

Charlie Gorichanaz: sooo

Zach G: goodmorning

Charlie Gorichanaz: what did you do last night?

Zach G: went to plan b

Charlie Gorichanaz: where did you go before?

Zach G: andy h had a graduation party

Charlie Gorichanaz: yeah i know

Zach G: i was at his party for a whiel. awkward asian karaoke

Zach G: what did you end up doing?

Charlie Gorichanaz: well as you know, i was planning to go out with michael and you, if not at my place, then wherever… and then plan b.

Charlie Gorichanaz: and as you know, both of you went with manoel. and as you know, i got ready and sat drinking by myself… because you told me i was more than welcome to use your car to pathetically go to plan b solo

Charlie Gorichanaz: and as you know, you didn’t respond to any of my texts or answer when i called

Charlie Gorichanaz: so as you could probably deduce, i sat alone, all night

Zach G: manoel r through a his fit

Zach G: threw

Charlie Gorichanaz: yeah?

Zach G: which you probably could have guessed. lol

Charlie Gorichanaz: and why does this become my problem?

Charlie Gorichanaz: if one of my friends, esp. one who graciously offered to host the preparty, were sitting alone, i would have joined him

Charlie Gorichanaz: but that’s just me i guess.

Zach G: no you’re right. i’m sorry. it was just really awkward

Charlie Gorichanaz: but i see where the priorities lie

Charlie Gorichanaz: regardless, i’m taking a break from this crowd

Charlie Gorichanaz: no one has any integrity or morals

Charlie Gorichanaz: luckily for you you are leaving i guess

Zach G: i guess :/ there is way too much going on when you throw a bunch of gay men together

Charlie Gorichanaz: but still, i’ve never left a friend stranded

Charlie Gorichanaz: it was a realllly sucky 6 hours

Charlie Gorichanaz: trying desperately to find someone to hang out with

Charlie Gorichanaz: i don’t want to be desperate ever again

Charlie Gorichanaz: im going to get to work

Charlie Gorichanaz: i think im also going to prune my guest list. i just want it to be people im closer with i think

Charlie Gorichanaz: we’ll see

Zach G: alright. again sorry. i guess i was caught up in everything and was trying not to take sides but then appeared to

Zach G: i really was just not trying to have everyone screaming at everyone

Zach G: which ended up happening anyway

Charlie Gorichanaz: just think about who you would hurt more. me if you stayed, or them if you left? i dunno. i’m being selfish.

Charlie Gorichanaz: i just have too high of expectations

Charlie Gorichanaz: too bad there’s no one to appreciate how i treat people

Charlie Gorichanaz: ciao