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Timing Movable Type template processing

Posted at age 24.
Created . Edited .

To time a chunk of template code, such as search result generation, create a system or blog level template module called “timing”:

<mt:If name="part" eq="start">
  <$mt:Date format="%H" setvar="hours"$>
  <$mt:Date format="%M" setvar="minutes"$>
  <$mt:Date format="%S" setvar="seconds"$>
  <$mt:Var name="hours" op="*" value="3600" setvar="hourseconds"$>
  <$mt:Var name="minutes" op="*" value="60" setvar="minuteseconds"$>
  <$mt:Var name="totalseconds" value="$hourseconds"$>
  <$mt:Var name="totalseconds" op="+" value="$minuteseconds" setvar="totalseconds"$>
  <$mt:Var name="totalseconds" op="+" value="$seconds" setvar="totalseconds"$>
  <$mt:Var name="totalseconds" setvar="startseconds"$>
<mt:Else name="part" eq="stop">
  <$mt:Date format="%H" setvar="hours"$>
  <$mt:Date format="%M" setvar="minutes"$>
  <$mt:Date format="%S" setvar="seconds"$>
  <$mt:Var name="hours" op="*" value="3600" setvar="hourseconds"$>
  <$mt:Var name="minutes" op="*" value="60" setvar="minuteseconds"$>
  <$mt:Var name="totalseconds" value="$hourseconds"$>
  <$mt:Var name="totalseconds" op="+" value="$minuteseconds" setvar="totalseconds"$>
  <$mt:Var name="totalseconds" op="+" value="$seconds" setvar="totalseconds"$>
  <$mt:Var name="totalseconds" setvar="finishseconds"$>
  <$mt:Var name="finishseconds" op="-" value="$startseconds" setvar="elapsedseconds">
  <!-- This search completed in <mt:If name="elapsedseconds" eq="0">less than 1 second<mt:Else name="elapsedseconds" eq="1">1 second<mt:Else><$mt:Var name="elapsedseconds"$> seconds</mt:If>. -->

Then, in a template you want to time something in, place these two lines at the start and end of the chunk of interest:

<$mt:Include module="timing" part="start"$>
<$mt:Include module="timing" part="stop"$>

You could of course add a line of output in the ”start” section if you want to denote in the output where the timing started.